Lilith and the Stable Hand: Bluestocking Brides Read online

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  “Yes, it’s me, lass. You’re safe now.”

  “My head.” She whimpered and closed her eyes when he lifted her against him. “I hurt my head. Could not move.”

  He moved his fingers around her head and felt a damp patch at the back of her hair. She must have struck a rock or something.

  “I tried to crawl but I…”

  “Shhh. I’ve got you now. That’s all that matters.”

  He lifted her up from the ground and tucked her against him. Settling her on the horse and keeping her steady was no easy task but he managed to get her curled up into his arms and safe before heading back to the house. She whimpered once they were out of the woods and moving faster.


  “I know,” he soothed. If he could take every ounce of pain away from her he would but he couldn’t help the rush of thankfulness. She was alive and in his arms.

  Where she belonged.

  The thought raced through his mind and lingered there. Where she belonged. Hell’s teeth.

  Harry left the horse at the rear of the house and carried her down into the kitchen. Lamps were lit and most of the female serving staff were gathered in the room.

  “Tell Lady Thornefield that I’ve found her. Someone needs to send for a doctor,” he ordered as several of the women crowded around her.

  “Most of the men are still out,” Mary said.

  “The stable-hands, they are still here, are they not? They can take the horse. She’s loose outside.”

  Mary nodded. “I’ll go and find them.”

  “I’ll get some water readied,” said the cook. “Poor dear, wherever was she?”

  “Out in the woods. She slipped I think,” Harry explained. “She’s cold. I need to get her warm, with haste.”

  “I’ll take you to her bedroom.” Lilith’s lady’s maid, Anne, lead the way. Another of the servants went in search of Lady Thornefield. She pushed open the door and drew back the bedcovers.

  Anne lit a lamp and pressed a hand to Lilith’s cheek. “I’ll need to get a fire made I think.”

  Harry hesitated. With the lamp lit, he could see the filth coating her clothing and skin. Lilith let out a slight moan and opened her eyes. Tears filled them, and his heart wrenched.

  “Put her in bed. We can worry about her clothes later. We need to get her warm,” Anne ordered.

  Nodding, he lowered her onto the bed. Part of him longed to keep her in his arms, to promise he would make everything better. But it wasn’t his place to.

  As he drew the bedding over her, she gripped his arm with surprising strength. “Don’t leave me.”

  The words were a mere whisper, but they rocketed through him down to his soul. Lilith needed him, and he be damned if he was going anywhere.

  He nodded and took her hand in his to give it a squeeze. “I’m here, lass.”

  Anne set about making a fire and Harry kneeled beside the bed, Lilith’s hand still in his. He hated he could not speak freely to her. He needed to apologize for keeping his distance. She’d done nothing to warrant his cold behavior and he regretted every minute of it. He needed to tell her to stay strong, that he believed in her, that he knew she could conquer this, and that he was so proud of her. He’d heard all about how dedicated she had become to the orphanage and he needed to tell her how amazing she was to overcome her hurt and throw herself into this.

  “Oh goodness.” Lady Thornefield burst through the door. “Thorne is never going to forgive me. I’ll never forgive myself.” Harry stood aside as the marchioness put both her hands to Lilith’s face. “You better get better, Lil,” she ordered. “You know how much I need you.”

  “She has a knock to the head, my lady,” Harry explained. “She is a little addled, but I think she will be fine with time.”

  Lady Thornefield straightened and clasped her hands together. “I must thank you for your help, Harry. You found her quicker than we could have anticipated, and I dread to think what could have happened if she was outside for much longer. Mary said she’s sent for the doctor and the rest of the search party should return before long.”

  “Harry,” Lilith called weakly.

  Lady Thornefield nodded in Lilith’s direction. “I think she wants you.”

  He swung a glance between the bed and the marchioness, hesitating.

  Lady Thornefield smiled gently. “Go to her. Even if she is addled, it seems she needs you. I shall go and see what is happening with the hot water and bandages.”

  Harry nodded and swallowed. He kneeled next to Lilith and took her cold hand in his. Once Lady Thornefield had left the room, he smoothed a hand across her brow.

  “Harry,” she repeated.

  “I am here, lass.”

  “Do not leave me.”

  He would have to eventually. He could hardly stay here while they nursed her better. It would tear him apart to leave her side, but he wasn’t certain she even knew what she was saying. All he knew was that everything had changed. Or perhaps it was the same. Perhaps it was inevitable that he could not avoid this connection between them and that he was doomed to fall deeper and deeper for her.

  “I won’t,” he promised.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Remaining abed for so long should not be exhausting but apparently Lilith’s legs thought otherwise. Nearly three days of bedrest and her body seemed to have forgotten how to function. She fingered the back of her head and grimaced at the lumpy feel of it. Still tender to touch, the headache had finally lifted and if she spent another moment in bed, she would go truly mad.

  Stepping out into the rear gardens, she took in the fragrance of scented flowers and fresh air. Far better than being confined to bed, all because of a silly, clumsy mistake. When Catherine had informed her they had sent out a search party made of nearly every man in the household, Lilith had almost wished Harry had never found her, and she would not have to live with the humiliation. What must he have thought when he found her knocked senseless amongst a pile of broken eggs? It could only ever happen to her.

  She wished the gardener a good morning and headed around the back of the house toward the gardens. She only had a few memories of the evening she’d gone missing but there were some that lingered more strongly than others. The relief at seeing Harry, at feeling his strong arms cradling her, knowing nothing could hurt her now, burned bright. Before he’d arrived, she had kept waking and not managing to keep her eyes open. She’d tried to drag herself a little but the fogginess in her mind prevented her from getting far or fully succumbing to the horror of her situation. What a fine thing that was. She might have been even more terrified had she realized there had been a chance she could die out there.

  Lilith paused when she came to the stables. What would she say? Thank you hardly seemed enough. She wanted to do something for Harry but knowing him, he wouldn’t accept anything. Her brother had already given him a bonus and Lilith was certain it had sealed Thorney’s decision to promote him to head groom once Mr. Johnson retired. That was something at least.

  And thank goodness Thorney was not furious with her. He could be so overprotective at times, but he had acknowledged that it was a mistake that could happen to anyone. Although it was so very typical that it would happen to her. But it was a sign of Catherine’s influence on him. Not long ago and he would never let her step outside the house again after such an incident.

  Harry didn’t see her approach. It gave her a moment to study him so she was grateful for that. He brushed a hand over the chestnut colored horse and though she could not hear him, she could see his mouth move as he talked with the animal. The utter trust and care between both man and animal made her throat tight. She felt as though she were viewing some private moment that should not be witnessed as it was far too beautiful.

  Just like Harry. She sighed. He did not have the refinement that so many other women would say was beautiful but his work-worn hands, his mussed hair, and the shoulders that stretched his thin linen shirt were
more than beautiful to her.

  He glanced in her direction. She started, feeling guilty at invading the moment. He waved her over and smiled broadly.

  “You are up and about.”

  She nodded. “I am feeling much recovered.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” He motioned to the horse. “I just need to put her away.”

  “Do not let me stop you.”

  She followed him to the stables as he led the animal into the stall and looped her reins through the metal hook on the wall. Most of the horses were out being exercised or were in the fields so only one other stall was taken up with a horse.

  He looked at her, green eyes scanning over her person in a way that made her tingle from head to toe. The v of his shirt drew her attention to his chest where a little sweat glistened. She lifted her gaze to his and her breaths stuttered in her chest.

  “I—” She drew in a breath. Why did he look at her like that? It made talking impossible. She wasn’t sure what it was but the intensity of his gaze, the way he looked at her as though he had not seen her in years and could not keep his gaze away from her muddled her thoughts.

  Lilith gulped down air and tried again. “I wanted to thank you for rescuing me. I dread to think what might have occurred had you not happened upon me so quickly.”

  Harry lifted a shoulder and twined the reins that he held in his hand around his knuckles. “I was not the only one searching.”

  “You were the one who found me and brought me home, though. You were the one who headed straight out and new exactly where I would be. Anne told me as much.”

  He shrugged again. “I knew you were either coming or going to the orphanage and I knew you took that route. I was lucky, my lady.”

  She stepped forward and put a hand to his arm. “I heard you call me Lil that night. I have never been more appreciative to hear my name. I hope you will continue to call me that.”

  His chest rose and fell. His throat worked. “Lil,” he said, the word cracking at the end. He shook his head. “When I thought I could lose you…”

  Lilith forced a smile. “Well, you did not.”

  Harry stepped back and cursed under his breath, pushing a hand through his hair.

  “What is it?”

  He lifted his head and eyed her. “I cannot do it anymore.”

  “Cannot do what?”

  He closed the gap again. “Resist you.”

  The words rang in her mind, bouncing around and making her stomach swivel. She opened her mouth with little idea how to respond but she needn’t have worried. Harry put a hand to either side of her face and brought his mouth down upon hers, hard and fierce. He broke away quickly but kept her face in his hands, the leather from the reins touching her skin—a reminder of all he was. Too much of a reminder of the difference between them.

  Gasping, Lilith searched his gaze. Her lips tingled, and heat ran up through every inch of her body.

  “I shouldn’t.” His voice was gritty.

  She nodded. But her hands would not listen to common sense and they found his arms, curling around the hard muscles there. Harry slipped a hand down her spine and settled her against his body. He let out a light groan.

  “Why do you have to be so damned beautiful, Lil? Why do you occupy my every thought?”

  Lilith hardly knew how to respond. The words, said like a stream of curse words, were the most wonderful thing she’d ever heard.

  “I cannot stop thinking of you either.”

  He closed his eyes briefly and shook his head. “Then we are both doomed,” he muttered as he brought his mouth to hers once more.

  This was no delicate kiss. His lips moved roughly over hers, making them feel warm and plump. He coaxed open her mouth with his tongue and sought hers. She touched her tongue to his and delicious shimmers of sensation plunged through her. The hand to her face moved to her neck and held her tight to him. His fingers seared her back, feeling as though she would always have a brand of his touch there.

  Lilith slid her hands up, looped them around his neck, and moved onto tiptoes to get more of the kiss. When she’d imagined being kissed, she’d never thought of it like this. It had been a tender moment perhaps, a gentle skim of lips across hers. She never knew bodies were so involved in it. She never thought she’d be aware of his every muscle, of his rough hand catching on the fabric of her gown and of the slight stubble on his chin grazing her skin.

  A horse whinnied in the distance and Harry eased back, pressing a feather-light kiss to her mouth then her forehead before resting his own forehead to hers.

  “What are you doing to me?” he asked between breaths.

  “The same thing you are doing to me, I should imagine.”

  “I don’t know how to deny this, Lil.”

  “Then do not.”

  He lifted his head. “It isn’t as easy as that.”

  She nodded and tucked her bottom lip under her teeth. “I know. But I cannot seem to help myself, Harry. I want you. I want to be with you all the time.”

  “You’re trying to kill me, lass, I am certain of it.”


  The sound of the horse grew nearer, and Harry released her with seeming reluctance. “You had better go. It’s obvious I’ve been kissing you.” He pressed a thumb over her bottom lip. “Your mouth is swollen with my kisses.”

  The idea that his kisses had left their mark on her had her cheeks heating and made her smile. Sweet Lord, she wanted more of them.

  “This isn’t over,” she warned him.

  His gaze was sorrowful when it met hers. “I know it isn’t.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Harry pressed away from the tree and paced a few steps forward then a few steps back. He glanced up the path and paused to listen before pacing once more. This was foolish and ridiculous. He shouldn’t be searching her out. He should be running far away from her.

  But that kiss. That damned kiss. It was the last straw for him. All these weeks of avoiding her, of telling himself he could resist her came to a head, and now he was a doomed man.

  He needed Lilith. For once in his life, he didn’t care for whys or hows or what would happen. He had to see her, had to hold her at least one more time.

  His pulse ratcheted up at the sound of footsteps. A flash of pale in amongst the greens made his palms itched. He gripped the fishing rod tight in his hand until it dug into his flesh.


  God’s teeth did she have to smile at him like that? The wide smile that made little dimples in her cheeks had him wanting to fall to his knees. She wore a simple gown flecked with tiny green sprigs of some kind of flowers and with an overlay of delicate lace. It emphasized her curves and made his fingers flex with the need to have them around her waist again. A straw bonnet hung from her fingers and her shiny, black hair had a slightly ruffled look to it. No doubt the children at the orphanage had been pulling at it.

  “Whatever are you doing here?”

  He swallowed, not trusting his voice to work. What was he doing here? What should he say? I’m hoping to kiss you again. I couldn’t stand another day without seeing you?

  “Fishing,” he finally grunted out.

  “You will not get very far fishing in the woods.”

  He cleared his throat. “I intended to head to the lake by the church. But I—” He hefted out a breath. Why was this so hard? He was a grown man with a child. He’d faced death and moving halfway across the country but none of it seemed as hard as this.

  “I was hoping to see you,” he rushed out.

  Her smile broadened. “I’m glad.”

  The fishing rod dropped from his fingers and he stepped over to her, and suddenly it was easy. Incredibly easy to take her into his arms and press a kiss to her lips. So effortless to move his lips across her cheek and to her neck. Setting her body against his felt like the most natural thing in the world. All thoughts of how crazed he had to be fled.

  He drew back, and he could not resist the smile
that tugged at his lips.

  “I missed you,” she said softly, twining her fingers in his hair.

  “I had to see you, Lil. I couldn’t stay away.”

  “I love it when you call me Lil.” She ran her fingers over his mouth and glanced at the discarded fishing pole. “Are you going to take me fishing then?”

  He chuckled. His sister had taken Maisie to see some new kittens at Mrs. Jackson’s and had caught him slipping out. The rod had been the nearest object and a fine excuse. Though he’d have a difficulty explaining why he had caught no fish.

  “Do you want to?”

  She nodded. “I’ve never fished before. My brother endeavored to show my how when I was little but I wasn’t interested.”

  “We don’t have to if—”

  Lilith put a finger to his mouth. “I want to.”

  He took her hand. If anyone came upon them, there’d be hell to pay but he could not resist twining his fingers with hers. She sent a sideways look his way, her lips curving into a shy smile.

  Harry led her to the lake and through the trees to a secluded spot that would keep them hidden from anyone’s view. She regaled him of tales of the orphanage and the many children there while he set up the fishing rod.

  “Now what do we do?” she asked as he pulled off his jacket and motioned for her to sit on it.

  “We wait.”

  “Now, I remember why I lost interest. I was not the most patient of children.”

  Harry sat beside her. “Do you think you can stand waiting with me?”

  She gave him a nudge with an elbow. “I think I can manage that.” She sighed and looked out over the lake. “I wish we did not have to meet like this.”

  Harry nodded, trying to ignore the knot of anxiety that tangled up inside him suddenly. Lilith twisted to look at him.

  “I wish we were different people.”

  He shook his head and pressed a finger under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “I would never wish you were a different person, lass. You are the best person I know.”


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