Love Regency Style Page 21
The fact that her cousin had been spotted in town was too much like happenstance for his liking. It had been plaguing him since the carriage incident but this sealed his beliefs fully. Once Lilly was better—and she just had to get better—he would have to hunt down Henry. If he wanted to sell her house, he must know any lawyer would fight such a decision and win easily enough. Was that enough of an incentive to try to murder Lilly? It seemed fanciful but the blundering idiot had left her to die after falling from her horse. Too many fingers pointed to Henry.
Evan took the doctor aside. “You’re sure it is poisoning and not typhoid or something else?”
“It is certainly not typhoid. It came on too rapidly.”
He shook his head. “A fever is rare in such cases and while she is indeed ill, I am not overly concerned. With plenty of fluids, she’ll be well, but you must ensure she keeps drinking. If she loses too much fluid, her body will be out of balance.”
Evan nodded but couldn’t bring himself to feel assured. One of the maids had died from cholera several years ago and it had been a frightful business. He would not wish it on anyone, and certainly not on Lilly.
The doctor left with assurances he would visit in the morning, leaving Evan to pace and worry. In spite of Mary’s attempts at getting him to take a break from her bedside, he refused to leave her. Lilly grew nonsensical and her movements erratic. How could he leave her when he didn’t know what might happen? If he lost her, he would never forgive himself.
Through the night he remained at her bedside, occasionally waking to find his head pressed against the mattress, his body stiff and sore. She slept fitfully and vomited several more times so he coaxed her to drink as much water as possible.
When he woke again, a thin sliver of light seeped across the bed, making him squint. He raised his head slowly and eyed her ashen face. With her eyes closed, her skin pale, she looked so peaceful. At some point during the night, she must have burrowed under the covers as they were tangled around her. He stood and groaned as his aching body protested.
Smothering a yawn, he put a hand to her forehead. Though hot, her skin didn’t feel as blistering as the previous day. He released a long breath and tugged the blankets from her, leaving her covered in only a sheet.
Lilly mumbled and stirred so he sat quickly and grasped her hand. “Lilly?”
When no response came, he slumped back in the chair, her hand in his lap. How was it he could not conceive a future without her now? At what point had she become such a vital part of his life? Yet even if she survived, he had little time left with her. Another ten months didn’t seem long enough now.
Evan lifted her hand to his mouth, pressed a kiss to her palm and held it there, relished the feel of her soft skin against his lips. But part they must. After Lilly, he doubted he would risk marrying. It was hard enough holding onto his temper on a daily basis without having an irritating wife he had picked out from the debutantes and none would measure up to Lilly’s wit and intelligence. He thought it likely whoever he chose would be at great risk of causing his temper to flare and he refused to become like his father.
So a life alone it was. Selfishness drove him not to release Lilly sooner or to let her go off and achieve her dreams. He needed her as much as he needed air but all good things must come to an end and an illegitimate woman and a marquess with a temper were never intended to last forever.
He gripped her hand harder. For now, all he cared about was that she lived.
A tap on his shoulder drew him from his morbid thoughts. Mary placed down a tray with some tea and toast on it.
“You didn’t eat all day,” she said in hushed tones. “Make sure you eat something, my lord. You shall be no good to Miss Claremont in a weakened state.”
Reluctantly, he took a slice of toast and nibbled at it. It tasted no better than ash to his dry tongue in spite of the generous slathering of butter. All pleasures had vanished since Lilly fell sick. Evan allowed himself a tilted smile. He hadn’t thought much of pleasures before Lilly. Life had been about work and little more, but since she had entered his life, he’d learned to take much more enjoyment in things. He dreaded to think how smug she would be if she knew she had taught him a thing or two.
Mary hovered over him while he finished his toast and shooed him out of the room to wash and change. He protested in a whisper but she insisted on cleaning Lilly with damp cloths and for propriety’s sake, he had to leave. Thankfully, he trusted Mary wholeheartedly to look after her. The housekeeper and his mistress had become quite friendly these past few days, often causing him to scowl when he caught them whispering furtively.
As he came out of the spare room, having changed and done his best to look presentable, he ran into the doctor. Damnation, he had nearly missed him. “How is she?” he asked, dispensing of the pleasantries.
“That she has not been sick for a while is a good sign, but I would have hoped to see more animation from her. She is very unresponsive. It may be exhaustion but you must keep a close eye on her. All you can do now is wait. Keep giving her liquids as I directed and if she awakens properly, try some weak broth. I have instructed your housekeeper on her proper care.”
“And is she stays unresponsive?”
“If she is still like this tomorrow, I fear it may be something worse than simple food poisoning but I cannot know for sure.”
Fear tightened around his throat like a noose. Pain fisted in his gut. This was more than simple food poisoning. He was sure of it now and he knew who was behind it. Soon, he would make him pay.
“If she deteriorates,” the doctor continued, unaware of Evan’s building rage, “send for me and I shall come immediately.”
“Right, thank you,” he replied absentmindedly. Already he was forming a plan to hunt down her cousin and drag the answers from him, but he couldn’t leave Lilly. Not yet.
With heavy movements, his body weighted by worry, he took his place at her bedside and resolved not to leave it until she was better. For she would get better. She had to or he did not know what he would do.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Lilly groaned and tried to wriggle some sensation back into her fingers. Something held her hand down. She squinted and waited for her vision to focus. Mouth dry, she squeezed her eyes shut and dragged them open again. It had to be early morning… or even late afternoon. Ribbons of dusky light slipped between the heavy curtains. She wriggled her tingling hand again and finally summoned the energy to roll to one side and see what was wrong with it.
A smile forced its way across her dry lips and she winced as they cracked. Evan lay on her hand, his heavy breaths telling her he was fast asleep. How long had he been there? She’d been vaguely aware of him by her side when the doctor called again, but the rest of the time was a blur of delirious dreams.
“Evan,” she called, but her arid throat stole the words.
She managed to slide her fingers out from underneath his head and stroke his hair. Even with her aching body, pounding head and feeling as though she had been hung to dry in a dessert, her heart softened. How she loved this man.
He jerked awake while she continued to stroke his hair. His head snapped up and it seemed to take him a moment to decide where he was. His gaze came to rest on her. “Lilly, good Lord, you’re awake!” Evan stood hastily, knocked back the chair and raced to the door. Flinging it open, he bellowed, “Mary! Send for the doctor.”
“Evan,” she croaked.
He whirled, eyes wide. Even in the dim light she saw the shadows under his eyes and the lines in his brow appeared more deeply grooved. She longed to reach out and smooth them away.
“She will be resting and won’t be able to hear you from downstairs. I don’t need the doctor.”
He hastened back over, righted the chair and sat beside her. She held out a hand and he went to take it, paused and shook his head, then snatched it in both hands. Lilly frowned. He appeared to be fighting some kind of battle with himself but wh
“How long have—?”
“Do you feel—?” He stopped. “You speak,” he said quietly, squeezing her hand.
“How long have I been sleeping?”
“Three days,” he replied softly.
Lilly gulped at the hollow tone to his voice. If she didn’t know better, she would think her sickened state had taken quite the toll on him. Was it possible he cared for her more than she thought? Was there any chance he might love her too?
“It’s a blur. I can hardly remember anything after being sick. What could have caused it?”
He gave a tight smile. “Don’t worry about that now. At least we know it’s not something worse. I must confess, Lilly, we feared greatly you would not recover. We have had a devil of a time getting fluids into you.”
She considered her empty stomach. “I am quite hungry. And thirsty.”
“Of course.” He fumbled to grab the pitcher of water at her bedside and poured her a glass. In his haste, he nearly spilled water over her and cursed.
Lilly smiled and pushed to sitting. His bedside manner was really quite charming. To see the stern Lord Hawksley so inept tickled her and made him all the more endearing. The cool water instantly soothed her sore throat and revived her. She drained the glass.
“Shall I fetch you some food?” he asked, taking the glass from her.
“Not yet. I am hungry but I fear my stomach might protest.”
“Once Mary is up, I shall have her make some broth.”
“It is morning?”
“Yes.” He peered at the clock on the mantel. “Nearly five. I shall need to head out shortly.”
“So early? Whatever for?”
She heard his teeth grind and something more than hunger churned her stomach. She knew that look. Evan was hiding something.
“Business,” he said tersely.
Lilly did not bother to disguise her eye roll. “Of course. And I don’t suppose you wish to discuss it with me.”
“You are correct.”
Thrusting aside the sheets, she took pity on his wearied state and decided not to push it yet. On another occasion and were she feeling better, she might try to argue with him, but now was not the time.
“Come and lie with me then. I have missed you.”
“How can you miss me when barely lucid?”
“Are you saying you do not wish to hold me?”
Evan released a huff, followed by a chuckle. “I’m saying nothing of the sort.”
He came to his feet and slipped in beside her. When his arms wrapped around her waist, she nestled back into him and sighed. Whatever he was keeping from her, it could wait. Perhaps she might even get him to trust her enough to open up. One could only hope.
It irritated Evan to no end the liberties Lilly allowed his brother. He paused in the doorway to the drawing room and observed Thomas lean in close to point out something in the book she held. They were virtual strangers and yet she allowed him to act far more intimately than she ever had him when they didn’t know each other properly.
His brother had insisted on visiting upon hearing of Lilly’s illness. Evan welcomed the chance to get an update on the Henry situation. Though he had planned to confront him, Lilly had begged him not to leave, suggesting she was too ill so a note to his brother had been all he could do. To see her with Thomas, however, had him suspecting she had played him for a fool.
He coughed and let his brow furrow. Both of them lifted their heads. Lilly smiled, clearly oblivious to the inappropriateness of his brother’s behavior or Evan’s annoyance, but Thomas had the decency to look abashed.
“Well, I shall leave you, my dear Miss Claremont,” Thomas said.
Evan curled a fist.
“I cannot tell you how glad I am you are recovered.”
“Thank you, Thomas.” Lilly beamed up at him as he stood.
White-hot fury streaked through Evan but he forced it down. What was Thomas playing at? Attempting to steal her away perhaps?
His brother paused in front of him. “I shall call in later. Harriet’s mother is in London and whilst I cannot stand being stuck in the same room with the woman, it does keep Harriet suitably occupied.
Evan nearly snarled. He even felt his lip lifting at one corner to release the sound. He had no sympathy for his brother and did not relish him using his freedom from his wife to spend more time with Lilly. No doubt, that was his intention. It certainly was not to enjoy the company of his older brother.
“Any word on Henry?” he whispered.
“He is still in town, though he had not been seen in Kensington. He appears to be keeping a low profile.”
“Let me know if you hear anything else.”
“I shall indeed.” Thomas’s gaze tracked over to Lilly and his eyes lit.
“You can send me word,” he said tightly. “You don’t need to visit in person.”
Thomas’s lips twitched and he tipped his hat. “Good day, Evan.”
Nostrils flaring, he waited until he heard the front door shut before he stalked over to Lilly’s side. He stopped several paces from her and made a show of staring out of the window. In a gown of lilac, she drew his attention from the pretty garden and his gaze kept slipping from the pink roses by the window to the far more beautiful woman occupying the room.
Damn and blast. He should leave the room and gain control of himself before he did anything foolish, but to see her sitting there, warmth back in her cheeks and her hair artfully curled around that divine neck… Devil take it, he had not made love to her since she had fallen ill and she proved so tempting. His body tightened.
Oblivious to his inner war, she laid aside the book and grinned at him. “Thomas talks of taking me to the Crystal Palace with Harriet. You will come, will you not?”
“You are not well,” he grumbled.
“I am fine and in danger of going mad with boredom. There is no danger and I cannot tolerate another day trapped inside.”
“I have my doubts Harriet shall agree to accompany you anyway.”
The color in her cheeks heightened. “Because I am your mistress,” she stated.
He lifted a shoulder. “And because Thomas has a great deal of affection for you.”
“Your brother is very gracious.”
Evan snorted. “He is a scoundrel. But perhaps you enjoy such behavior.”
“Evan, what is this?”
Jaw clenched, he willed the tension in his body to release and peered out of the window again. “It matters not. But you can’t go out. Danger is still afoot.”
“There is no danger!” she exclaimed suddenly. “Lord almighty, nothing has happened since the shooting and I am perfectly well now.”
He turned on her and snorted. “And not long ago, you would not let me leave for you were too unwell. You played me quite false. Anyway, I shall not allow you to leave and be harmed, Lilly. Don’t even think on it.”
“You are not my master.”
“There you are wrong. I am your master, my dear. I own you body and soul and you would do well to remember that.”
Fury flashed in her eyes and she stood slowly. He still saw frailty in her movements. How could she even consider leaving the house in such a state? What if someone tried to shoot at her again? He might suspect Henry but he could do little until he had proof.
“You think,” she said breathlessly, “that because you bought my body, you can dictate my every move?”
“There would be little point in taking you as my mistress if I could not,” he replied dryly.
“You knew when you made the offer I would not have my movements dictated to me.”
“Even when your life is in danger?”
“My life is not in danger!” She lifted her chin, pale eyes wide and full of vigor.
He stepped closer. His fingers twitched and he feared he might grab her to shake some sense into her. Somehow he kept his hands at his side. “You were poisoned and shot at. Is that not enough to prove to you
how much danger you are in?”
Lilly released a disbelieving laugh. “Poisoned? It was the food, nothing more. The doctor said as much.”
“Somebody wants you dead.”
“Nobody wants me dead. Do you really believe someone infiltrated your home and poisoned me? They are more likely to want you dead.” She jabbed a finger into his chest. “After all, you are one of the most disagreeable men I’ve ever met and there have been plenty of rumors surrounding you. Who is more likely to have enemies? You or me?”
“Why do you refuse to take me at my word and trust me?”
“I do trust you, but you are filled up with strain and exhaustion. You are imagining things, Evan.” Her tone grew sympathetic and it grated against his nerves.
“I’m not bloody imagining things. You are going nowhere and that’s final. The sooner we return to Oxfordshire the better,” he muttered.
Lilly folded her arms in front of her. “You shall be lucky if I agree to come with you in the mood you’re in.”
That irritating twitch started in his fingers again and he moved back. “You shall come with me or our agreement is off.”
“You would cast me aside so easily?”
Did she not realize he was doing this for her own safety? The thought of losing her at all tore at his heart but he could not let her blindly walk into danger. “Why will you not for once in your life obey me?” he bit out.
“Because I will never obey a man, not even you, Lord Hawksley!”
“Damn it, Lilly,” he roared. “I will not lose you and if I have to tie you to your bed, I will!”
“I should have trusted my instincts when I first met you. I should have trusted Henry.”
“Henry? What does he have to do with trusting me?”
“He told me of the rumors. Why, for a while I even believed them, all because of your terrible arrogance.”
“What bloody rumors?”
“It was said” —she lifted her chin and he saw it tremble— “you killed my father over the debt.”