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Page 16

  “What is this?”

  “Read it.”

  “Brother, I must speak with you.”

  “Read this first. Then you may say whatever it is you need to say.”

  Jake sighed, rubbing his hand across his jaw. He pulled open the missive. The seal was open but he did not recognize it. He darted his eyes over it before pausing and scanning it again. He stared at the parchment and blinked, reading it one more time, fearing he had misread it.

  Jake waved the letter at Dominic. “What is the meaning of this?”

  Dominic’s mouth twisted. “Is that all the thanks I get?”

  He swallowed, his mouth dry. “‘Tis real? Nay,‘tis a forgery. Brother, do you mock me?”

  “You know me better than that, Jake. ‘Tis no forgery. Much has come to light in your absence.”

  “Aye…” He clenched at the missive, aware his hand was shaking.

  “Come, join me in an ale. There is more to tell.”

  “More?” Jake asked in a strangled voice.

  Dominic laughed. “Aye. But first, an ale. You have need of it from the looks of your ashen face.”

  ~* * *~

  With her wounds dressed and the grime washed from her body, Isabel felt a renewed sense of hope. Dominic appeared pleased to see her returned and she realized whatever he intended for her, he would take care of her. And Jake…?

  She couldn’t fathom him. Normally a glance into his eyes and she would instinctively know what he was thinking, but there had been a wild sort of hope in his expression. Had she given him false hope with her confession of love? Her heart ached, but she was glad to have revealed the truth. There was but one more thing she needed to confess.

  How would he react? Isabel knew not, but she would not hide the babe from him. If Dominic sent her away, then she would at least have her babe know his father. And Jake would surely want to know his child. He was not the sort of man to abandon a child even if brought up as the son or daughter of his brother.

  Forcing down the queasiness that assailed her at the thought, she took a restoring breath. Whatever happened, she would at least have her child.

  A rattle at the door made her jump and she came quickly to her feet, smoothing her skirt anxiously. “Enter.”

  Jake’s large from filled the room and she clutched at her chest, unexpectedly short on breath.

  “Sit, lass,” he ordered. “Before you fall down.”

  Isabel studied him as she mechanically obeyed, her mouth coming open at the sight of him. Would he ever cease to seem beautiful to her? Energy seemed flow underneath his skin and she could see the tension in his body, his muscles bunched as if he were readying himself to fight.

  “Is it true?” he asked abruptly, his hand opening and closing around a missive in his hand.

  “Is what true?”

  He stared at from under his brow, his eyes searching her face. She considered him for a moment and realized his emotions were no longer unclear to her. He knew everything.

  Isabel nodded carefully. “Aye, ‘tis true.”

  His large form sagged marginally and he cursed beneath his breath. “I should never have left you, Isabel. Forgive me. I thought ‘twas best for you, I thought you deserved better. Had I known…”

  “What? That I was carrying your babe?”

  “Nay! Aye…I mean, of course I would never have left had I known that. But I meant if I had known you loved me…”

  She ignored the tears that threatened to overcome her and pushed up her chin. “I do love you, Jake, but nothing has changed, only that I will not endanger this babe. I know not what your brother intends for me but I will go along with whatever he asks. I will not risk this child by angering my father.”

  He considered her for a moment. “I would not ask you to do so, but I will ask that you put an end to my misery and marry me.”

  Her heart fluttered and her eyes misted. “Oh, Jake… if I only could.”

  Jake handed her the missive he was clutching. “You can. “

  Isabel’s eyes lighted on the wax as she took it from him. “My father’s seal. What does it say?”

  “Dominic has drawn up a contract with your father.” He seated himself on the bed next to her, gently folding her hand in his. “For our betrothal.”

  Her mouth fell open. “In truth?”

  “He must have offered him a good deal of coin in return. But, Isabel, you have been thrown on the whim of men for too long, I would beg you marry me, but only do so if it is what you truly wish. I will support you whatever you choose.”

  Curling her fingers tightly around his, Isabel’s lips twitched. “Do you not already know what I wish?”

  Jake studied her and Isabel could see the elation slowly lighting in his eyes. He brought his other hand around hers and grasped it tightly, pulling her into his embrace and threading his fingers through her curls. He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips before drawing back and casting his eyes over her face.

  “Aye. Aye, I know what you wish, lass.”

  Isabel grinned as her heart swelled in delight and he brought his lips down on hers once more, drowning her with the heat of his mouth. I wish for you, Jake.

  ~* * *~

  Greycroft keep loomed over the horizon, just visible amongst the rocks that protruded from the surrounding hills. Jake muscles eased at the sight. He darted a look over to Isabel, and his muscles bunched again as he waited for her reaction.

  Her generous mouth parted as she took in her surroundings with wide eyes, and she glanced over at him as the mount eased them carefully over the expansive countryside. Isabel beamed at him, her eyes crinkling, no doubt noticing his apprehension.

  Jake nodded towards the small swell of her stomach and she nodded back, taking a hand away from the reins to briefly stroke over it.

  All is well, she mouthed, unable to be heard over the steady hammer of the accompanying guards.

  Her words had little effect and he drew in steady breaths as he struggled to relax. Damn woman refused to go in a carriage as he’d insisted. It made her sick, she said. He would not be satisfied until he had her safely home. In his home.

  They continued up the shallow slope that led towards the square keep. The gatehouse greeted them, propped up on either side by two round towers. Jake led the way, Isabel safely tucked between his mount and the following guards.

  Curious peasants greeted their party as they studied the lady their master had brought with him. Isabel returned their looks with a generous smile and Jake could see them soften towards her immediately. Och, how was she was able to work her way into their hearts already?

  He dismounted and handed the reins of his destrier to a stable hand before turning to Isabel. His squire made to offer her his hand until he spotted Jake’s glare and he quickly stepped back.

  Stepping forward, he eased her down, allowing her to slide down his chest.

  “Jake,” she hissed, as her cheeks reddening. “Robert was only trying to help and now everyone is staring.”

  “Aye, let them. I have naught to be ashamed of.”

  “You are their master, Jake. ‘Tis not seemly,” she protested, belying her words as she caressed his arms with her hands.

  Reluctantly releasing her from his hold, he took her hand and laid it over the top of his. Turning towards the stone tower, he guided her towards the steps.

  “Well, what think you of Greycroft?” he asked, wincing as he heard the anxiety in his voice.

  Warmth spread through him as his wife turned to him, her blue eyes sparkling as she leaned over to place a kiss to his cheek.

  “Do you not already know?”

  Aye, he knew. He laughed and scooped Isabel into his arms, kicking open the hall door and carrying her across the threshold as he claimed her lips with a fierce kiss.


  Borderland Beauty

  Samantha Holt


  Northumbria, England 1368

  “Thornewall?” Lucy stared at her mother. “
We’re to go to Thornewall for Christmas?”

  Her mother eyed her with a look of bemusement as she hauled out a gown from the wooden chest that occupied one corner of her chambers. “Aye, this will do nicely.”

  “You know I loathe large gatherings, Mother. And Thornewall of all places…”

  “Aye, my dear, I know you do. Though Lord only knows why. A girl of your…age should welcome the chance to meet fine men and there is no place better to do it than in Thornewall.”

  Slapping her comb down on the table in front of her, she turned from her mother. Lucy contemplated herself in the mirror. What her mother meant was that it was time she found herself a husband. At one and twenty, she was turning into an old maid. She tilted her face, eyeing her complexion. It was pale and smooth, thankfully having lost the pallor that she used to be afflicted with as a young maiden, and it had not aged. Not that it had made any difference. No man wanted her. No man ever had.

  Her mother’s chattering cut in through her thoughts as she uttered a name she knew all too well, “…and Lord Dominic is, of course, a most handsome lord. You would do well to catch his eye, Lucy.”

  Swivelling on her chair, she fixed her mother with a cold stare. “Lord Dominic is an arrogant blackguard. I would do well to steer clear of him. Anyway, ‘tis unlikely he would pay any attention to me.”

  Her mother flung the gown she was holding across the enormous canopied bed and pressed her hands onto Lucy’s shoulders, urging her to face the mirror.

  “You, my love, are a fine beauty. Lord Dominic, or any other man for that matter, would do well to have you for his wife.”

  Her mother ran her hands through her fair hair as Lucy scowled at herself. Her mother had the blessing of dark, silky hair that did exactly as it should. Unfortunately for Lucy, she had inherited her father’s looks…and build. Her fair hair hung perfectly straight and would never curl, instead falling all the way past her bottom. It was not as mousy as it once was, for which she supposed she should be grateful. Years of horse riding and hawking in the sun had picked out pale highlights that at least added some interest to it.

  “Well, Mother, I assure you, there is no chance of me ever becoming his wife. Men like Lord Dominic do not look at women like me and I would not wish it so. I would sooner die an old maid than marry a man of such repute.”

  Gasping, her mother clutched her hands to her chest. “Die an old maid? Lucy, you taunt your mother so. ‘Tis most unkind. Anyway, I am sure you shall be an old maid no longer by the end of the Christmas celebrations.” Her mother’s grey eyes sparkled and Lucy’s stomach dropped. What was she planning?


  “I just mean that you are bound to catch a man’s eye, that’s all, especially now that you are not so bu—so…so curvy.”

  Lucy snorted. So buxom, she meant. She cast her eyes over her mother’s silk gown. She was as slender as a reed. Flicking a glance down at her own generous bosom, she heaved a sigh. Aye, she had at least slimmed out as she had aged. As a young girl, she had been as plump as they come. The weight had gradually dropped off as she became an active rider, but now she had a tiny waist and huge breasts that refused to be confined. To add to it, her hips still flared out and her bottom made any gown stick out whether she wanted it to or not.

  Meeting her mother’s worried gaze, she offered her a small smile. “I have no need of a husband. Father is rich enough and Edward will inherit. I have no obligations to fulfil.”

  “Aye, my love.” Her hands came back on her hair, smoothing across it. “Edward will return with his wife soon and they shall no doubt bring forth some children, but I wish not for you to marry for duty, I wish for you to marry for love. ‘Tis a fine, fine thing.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes at her mother’s wistful tone. It was all well enough for her mother, who had happened to fall in love with the man her father had chosen for her, but she knew well enough few other people had been as lucky.

  “‘Tis a fine thing, indeed, but I’ll not find love this Christmas. And I’ll certainly not find love with Lord Dominic.”

  Chapter One

  “A marriage contract?”

  Dominic looked at his older brother with a shrug. “Aye. Apparently it was drawn up when we were but babes. Have you heard tale of it, Jake?”

  Jake shook his head, sweeping a hand through his chestnut hair. “Nay, of course not. I would have said something, should I have known.”

  Dominic thrust a missive into his hand and paced across the tiled floor of the hall as Jake cast his gaze over it.

  “Why have we not heard of this before?” Jake asked him.

  “Read on, Brother. Lord Walter Montgomery claims that he had hoped his daughter and I would come to know each other over the years before fulfilling the contract. Lord knows, Father was not of sound mind after Mother’s death, I suspect he may well have clean forgotten about it!”

  Jake frowned. “You are a fine catch, I am surprised Montgomery has not forced the contract sooner. ‘Tis unusual for a father to be so concerned for a daughter’s welfare.”

  “That we well know.” Jake was no doubt thinking of his wife’s father, who was as heartless and callous as they come, trying to sell off his daughter to a rich but wicked man. “Though I expect you shall be just as soft-hearted should Izzy bear you a daughter.”

  A gentle grin spread across Jake’s face and Dominic studied him for a moment. For everything that had happened between them, Isabel had done wonders for his brother’s surly temperament. It was fascinating to watch really, his huge older brother brought to his knees by a beautiful lass.

  “How is Izzy anyway?”

  “Aye, well. Though she does not take to confinement well. She’s keeping everyone on their toes. We shall all be glad when the babe finally comes…but back to this contract, Dominic. What shall you do?”

  “Montgomery intends to visit for the Christmas festivities along with his daughter and wife. He asks that I meet with her, but states that it is up to his daughter to accept me.” Dominic shook his head. Some strange woman now held sway over his future. “I do not even recall his daughter, do you know of her?”

  Stroking a hand across his broad chin, Jake studied the missive again. “Nay, but then I have few visitors to Greycroft, and you know I take little joy in festivities. It says here she has not visited Thornewall in many years. ‘Tis likely I’ve never met her.”

  Dominic snorted. “Aye, which begs the questions, why is Montgomery hiding her away? Think you I am contracted to marry some beast of a woman?”

  Jake eyed him with a raised brow. “You would do well, little brother, to cease your insults of your betrothed. Anyway, you have been seeking a wife for nigh on four seasons now. Why not marry this one? Lord knows you’ve had enough opportunities to marry, and you’re not getting any younger.”

  “Ha, need I remind you, that I would have no need of a wife had you not stolen Izzy from me.”

  His brother’s brown eyes darkened and his strong brow furrowed. Dominic had to prevent his lips from twitching.

  “Isabel,” Jake told him pointedly, “would never have agreed to marry you had it not been for her father’s threats. Thankfully, she came to her senses and married the right brother.”

  “You came to your senses, you mean, though you are both as stubborn as each other. But I will concede, she did marry the right brother.” Staring back out of the window, Dominic heaved a sigh. “Montgomery will be here this day, shall you be staying for the celebrations?”

  “Aye, but I will return to Greycroft in the morn. I dare not leave Isabel any longer but, fear not, I shall stick around to protect you from this unknown maiden.”

  “Protect me?”

  “Aye, I know ‘tis normally the maidens that need protection from you but think on it, Dominic. If it’s up to the lady, then you need not be concerned. If you find her displeasing, turn off the charm for one night and scare her away. If she is not, then you finally have yourself a wife, along with an alliance w
ith Montgomery. ‘Twould be well worth considering.”

  “Turn off the charm? Easy enough for you to say, Jake, you have the manners of a wild boar.”

  “Tell that to Isabel,” he said with a wry grin.

  “Will you never let me forget that?”

  Jake laughed before fixing him with a serious look. “Give the lass a chance. You need a wife, and a good one at that. Mayhap she will do you well. Even if she is not as pleasing to the eye as some of your previous conquests, she is likely to have at least a little more wit than all of them put together. Think on it, will you?” Jake snatched a goblet and poured himself some ale before throwing his large form into the chair by the fire. “When will they be here? The journey has wearied me some.”

  “Not until later, I expect. Montgomery will likely travel after noon. Though he will want to be here before dusk.”

  “The reivers are still causing you trouble?”

  Dominic followed his brother’s suit and sat in the oak chair opposite, leaning into the fire. “Aye, and they are getting bolder. They snatched some livestock in daylight from one of the smaller villages not two days ago.”

  “Then an alliance with Montgomery will certainly do no harm. Mayhap with your combined power, you can put an end to the reiver threat once and for all.”

  Rubbing a hand across his brow, Dominic took the missive from Jake and glanced over it again. His brother was right. He did need a wife, and an alliance with Montgomery would aid him in his campaign against the Northumbrian border reivers. Thornewall was no easy demesne to manage with its vast size and proximity to the Scottish border. And a wife to keep an eye on things while he was away would be a great help. And he had need of an heir. But so far he had not found a lass that would be up to the task. Aside from Izzy…

  He studied Jake once more with twist of his lips. His brother did look weary, but no more than any other lovesick man whose wife kept him up at night. It was good to see him so content, especially after everything his first wife had inflicted upon him.


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