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The Borderland Legacy Page 11

  Jake squeezed her arm until he saw her wince. Damn his brutish manners. He could not let her throw herself into the arms of a murderer for their sakes. “I can defend my lands, lass. I’ve done it before and I’ll gladly do it again.”

  But she was right, Greycroft was ill prepared for a full-scale war and his own castle would not hold out long against a siege. It was likely he would die defending it.

  “That is what I fear,” she said softly and Jake wondered if he had spoken aloud.

  Her voice took on a desperate quality and she pulled against his grip. “Let me go, Jake, for I cannot allow you to place yourself in danger for me. Not for a woman that hurt you so.”

  He considered her and saw the fear in her eyes - a fear that was not for herself, but for him, his brother, and all their people. How he could ever have thought her as wicked as his wife, he knew not. There was nothing in this lass but kindness. He gulped, fighting the words he would have to say. There was no other way.

  “Isabel, you do not have to return.”

  “I do, Jake!” She struggled again.

  “Listen…” He grabbed at her other arm and pinned her still. “Listen, there is another way. Marry…”

  She ceased her struggles and stared at him.

  “Marry Dominic.”

  Isabel blinked at him. “What?” she whispered.

  “Marry Dominic. Your father would be a fool to say nay to such an allegiance. He is one of the richest men in England. There will be no war and you will be safe.”

  Safe. He clung to the word, trying to ignore the ache in his heart. It didn’t matter, as long as she was safe. In spite of himself, he urged her to say nay, to confess her love for him, but he knew it could come to nothing. He had nothing to offer Lord Henry in return for her hand.

  Isabel gaped at him. “Marry Dominic? But…did he decide this?”

  “Nay.” He sighed. “‘Twas my idea.”

  She gulped and her eyes misted with tears as she took a deep breath. Her composure regained, she shook her head in disbelief. “Why would you suggest such an idea?”

  “If you do not wish to see war, ‘tis the only way. We would fight for you, Isabel, you know that, but if you will not allow us to then at least accept my brother’s hand. He can offer you protection and comfort.”

  “Comfort!” she exclaimed scathingly. “I care not for comfort.”

  “Dominic is a good man,” he murmured.

  “I know he is,” she agreed softly. “And he has consented to this?”

  Jake nodded, forcing his expression to remain detached. Would she change her mind if she realized how much it killed him to ask this of her? But he could not allow her to see it. It was for the best. There would be no war and Dominic was a good man. He would look after Isabel well.

  “He has need of a wife and he is fond of you. ‘Twould be a good match for you both.”

  They both fell silent, the clamor of men-at-arms from both sides seeming to heighten as if to push Isabel to a decision.

  “Take me to Dominic. I would speak with him.”

  His heart dropped. “As you will, my lady.”

  ~* * *~

  Dominic was waiting in the Great Hall and he came to his feet as Jake escorted her into the room. Isabel observed the look that he and Jake shared. Could she do this? Would she do this? She flicked a look at Jake but his face betrayed nothing, a blank mask of disinterest. Had he ceased caring for her altogether? Her chest throbbed painfully at the thought.

  She passed her eyes over Dominic, attempting to imagine him as her husband. He was handsome and caring, a far cry from Lord Everard, but he was not Jake. However, Jake was lost to her and Thornewall was on the verge of war.

  “You have agreed to this?” she asked bluntly, as Dominic approached.

  He smiled at her frank demeanor. “Aye, Izzy, I’ve agreed. If it will stop you from throwing yourself into the arms of that demon, I’ll gladly marry you.”

  “Dominic, I have no wish to see you saddled with a wife that you do not like. You are a good and kind man, but pray do not do this out of pity for me.”

  “You make it sound as if you are some hideous beast, lass! I would be honored to take you as my wife. I have no doubt you would make a fine mistress of Thornewall just as you would make me a fine wife. I see little disadvantage in it for me.”

  Her mouth twisted but his words seemed genuine. Although there was no love between them, she was fond of Dominic and she suspected they could be content together.

  He would never touch her heart like Jake had though.

  She glanced over at him as he plucked absently at some stale bread that remained from the morning meal. Aye, no one would ever make her feel like Jake did. She could not repair the damage she had done but she could at least prevent him from being hurt…or killed. Her gut twisted and her resolve strengthened.

  Dominic interrupted her thoughts. “So what say you, Izzy? Shall I announce that you are to be my bride or shall I ready for war?”

  Sweet Mary, what a decision to set upon her shoulders. But it was no decision in truth. War or marriage to a good-hearted man. There were far worse decisions to make.

  “Aye.” She saw Jake’s head jolt towards them. “Aye, I will become your bride.”

  Dominic grinned. “Excellent.” He motioned to one of the serving maids. “Wine for everyone, lass! Today I celebrate my betrothal and Thornewall will celebrate gaining a new mistress.”

  He took Isabel’s hand and pressed his lips carefully to her fingers. It was pleasant but had little effect on her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jake observing their exchange with a nebulous look in his eyes.

  “I shall do all I can to make you happy, lass,”

  Isabel released a feeble smile at his words. She should be grateful such a man found her to be worthy of becoming his wife.

  “And I you, my lord.”

  “Pray, Izzy, do not turn into the subservient woman just because we are to be betrothed. I would not like you to lose that fire.”

  She smiled again, a little wider this time, an attempt at hiding the sorrow that settled in her heart. “That will never happen, Dominic,” she assured him.

  “Good. Now I have negotiations to make with your father. Let us see if we cannot placate him with our good news.”

  With a brief nod, he strode out of the hall with a confidence that only Dominic could hold.

  Her eyes fell back to the large man who had stolen her heart. He didn’t meet her gaze, instead focusing on the wine jugs that the servants were bringing in. Jake poured himself a large cup and drained it, throwing his head back until it was gone. He slammed it down on the table, causing Isabel to jump, along with the jug on the table, sloshing red wine across the linen.

  She stared as the stain blossomed, seeping through the floral embroidery. Mayhap she had read him wrong. Mayhap he had not wished for her to betrothal to his brother, but why did he not say so? And what else could he have expected her to do? She considered throwing herself back into the arms of Everard if it would save him pain, but neither he nor Dominic would allow it now.


  His dark eyes met hers and the sad emptiness that lay within them tugged at her heart.

  “I offer you my congratulations, my lady. You shall be very happy, I am sure,” he told her formally.

  She could feel her chin wobble as she regarded him. “Thank you, my lord,” she replied huskily.

  Before her tears could claim her, she fled, making for the refuge of the chapel. She could not return to her chambers, or Jake’s chambers as they truly were. Each stone clung to his presence, each corner held a memory of their love. This was her fault. If she had adhered to the honesty she so prided herself on, none of this would have happened.

  She knelt at the altar, clasping her hands tightly together. She considered begging for forgiveness but her thoughts turned to Jake and she begged for his happiness instead.

  Chapter Nine

  The pounding o
f hooves drew Isabel from her sleep. She glanced about the room to see that darkness still shrouded it. What could the soldiers be doing at this hour? Scrubbing at her eyes, she flung her legs over the side of the bed and pulled on a wrap.

  The door crashed open and Isabel spun around to see Margaret stood in the door with a candle, her eyes wide and wary.

  “What is it, Margaret?”

  “‘Tis the reivers, milady. A large gathering of them. Lord Dominic asks that the household gather in the hall, where they will be safe.”

  “They’ll not attack the keep, surely?”

  “‘Tis not likely, milady, but they’ve been known to fire arrows and flames at the walls. ‘Tis safest to stay in the hall, at least until they’ve been driven out.”

  “Aye, of course.”

  Isabel clutched her wrap around her and followed Margaret to the Great Hall. The soldiers had left but she could hear the clatter of their mail in the distance. The drawbridge drew up with a rattle and she watched as the men gathered on the ramparts. Most of the household had gathered in the Great Hall but Isabel could see neither Jake nor Dominic.

  Winnie spotted her and scurried over to her side, grasping gratefully at her hands. “Oh, milady, I would’ve come to fetch ye but I feared climbing those stairs in a hurry.”

  Darting her eyes around, Isabel patted absently at Winnie’s hand. “Where are the lords? Where are Jake and Dominic?”

  “They’ll be leading the soldiers, milady.”

  “They could be killed!” Isabel blurted out, feeling a chill spread through her body.

  “Nay, milady, do not fear. ‘Twill not be the first time they’ve driven off those Godforsaken reivers. We are blessed with strong and brave lords at Thornewall.”

  A heavy thud echoed through the large hall as the wooden doors were pushed shut and secured by the knights, who hefted a beam across the doors. Isabel stared at the door as Winnie squeezed at her fingers.

  “‘Twill be well, milady. It’s just a precaution.”

  Gazing around at the people gathered in the hall, Isabel recognized the fear written on many a face. Precaution or not, it was clear the reivers struck fear into the people of Thornewall.

  “What of the people outside the walls, Winnie?”

  Winnie cast her eyes down briefly before pasting a bright smile onto her face. “They have the towers, milady. They’ll seek shelter there. Besides, the soldiers will be with them soon. All will be well, ye’ll see.”

  Seating herself on one of the benches, Isabel folded her hands in her lap as her gaze clung to the door. Her feet twitched at every noise as they waited. Winnie sat beside her, murmuring reassurances. Lord, what a mistress she would make, jumping at every sound! However, it was not for herself that she feared. What if Jake never returned? There was so much she wished to say. So much she couldn’t say.

  “The lords have returned!” someone shouted.

  Isabel sagged with relief and stood, holding herself tall. She should show some sort of composure.

  The wooden beam was removed and the doors hauled open as Dominic strode in, followed by several soldiers. Isabel rose on her toes but she could see no sign of Jake. Dominic must have observed her ashen face as he made straight for her.

  “Isabel, are you well?” He grabbed her hand. “Lord, your fingers are like ice. Winnie, see Lady Isabel back to her chambers.”

  “Nay!” Clearing her throat, she wrapped her arms around herself. “Nay, I am in good health. Pray, is all well? Is anyone hurt?”

  “Nay, we ran them off before they could inflict any damage. They may have rounded up some livestock but we will have to wait until the morrow to find out for sure.”

  “And…Jake? Where is Jake?”

  Dominic viewed her for a moment and rubbed at his jaw. “He rode like the devil and managed to secure himself a swipe with a sword,” he said with a twist of his lips. “Lord knows what had got into him.”

  Isabel clutched her arms tightly about herself. “He is hurt?”

  “Nay, ‘twas a mere scratch.” Dominic took her arm and made her sit down. “‘Tis unlike my brother to be so careless but mayhap he has learned his lesson. Ah, look, here the wounded warrior returns.”

  Snapping her head toward the door, she watched as Jake entered. He had removed his armor and blood tinged the sleeve of his shirt. Her stomach churned as he approached.

  Avoiding her eyes, Jake nodded to his brother. “All is secure.”

  “Aye, good. Have you seen to yourself?”

  Jake pressed a hand over the bloodied cloth of his arm. “Aye, I’ve cleaned the wound. ‘Tis naught serious.”

  “You were lucky.”

  Jake glowered at him and Dominic grinned back. Isabel viewed the exchange. How could they make light of such an event?

  Dominic addressed the occupants of the hall, “All is well, pray return to your beds. No doubt we will have some work ahead of us on the morrow.”

  The servants and soldiers eagerly hustled out of the hall, looking weary and drained.

  Dominic patted Jake on his uninjured arm. “I need to check on the watchmen. Will you see Izzy to her bed? I fear this night’s events have taken their toll.”

  Isabel scowled, rending a chuckle from Dominic as Jake nodded mechanically.

  Aware of Winnie eyeing them with curiosity, Isabel gave her a weak smile. “Return to your bed, Winnie. Lord Jacob will see me to my chambers.”

  Winnie huffed. “Aye, as you bid, milady.” Rising slowly, she reluctantly shuffled out of the hall, darting a look back at Isabel and Jake.

  Jake threw a glance at her before striding over to the fire and staring at the flames. The warm glow cast over his skin, highlighting the troubled lines on his brow.

  Taking a breath and pulling herself straight, Isabel approached him carefully. She studied his broad shoulders with regret. What she would not give to spread her hands over them once more.

  “Jake…” she whispered. When he did not turn, she tried again. “Jake, pray I cannot continue like this, with you treating me so. I can bear it no longer. I want—”

  “Cease,” he commanded sharply, still facing the fire. “Isabel, pray cease,” he added more gently. His shoulders dropped and he turned to face her.

  Mouth dry, Isabel stared up at him.

  “I am sorry I’m not a more forgiving man.”


  He gave her a sorrowful smile. “I am glad for you, lass. Dominic is a good man, a good brother. I’ve no doubt he will make you happy, just as you will him.”

  Isabel closed her eyes as the weight in her chest bore down upon her. It was over.

  “Come, ‘tis late. I shall see you to your chambers.”

  “Nay. I thank you but I have no need of an escort.”

  Opening his mouth, Jake paused and closed it. With a slight bow, his eyes connected with hers. “As you will. Good night, Isabel.”

  “Good night,” she replied huskily, turning on her heels before he could see her tears fall. Sweet Mary, she could probably better bear his anger than the resignation she had just discerned in Jake’s eyes. How would she ever endure a lifetime of it?

  ~* * *~

  Jake treated her cordially at the morning meal. All familiarity was gone along with his anger. The cold politeness sent a shiver down her spine. She observed him out of the corner of her eye as he ate, his gaze never leaving his plate.

  “Brother,” Dominic said suddenly, making Isabel jump, “Are you still angry at being bested last night?”

  Jake glowered at him. “Nay, I am tired ‘tis all.”

  “Aye, well you are an aged old man, it does not surprise me. We should find you a wife to look after you, do you not think, Izzy?”

  Isabel’s gaze darted between the two men. She wondered occasionally if Dominic deliberately made an effort to provoke a response from Jake. Dominic was too astute a man to not know the cause of his moods, surely?

  But then Jake was the one to suggest Dominic ask for her hand.
Whatever Jake had told him, mayhap he honestly believed.

  “I want no wife, Dominic, that you well know. Cease your teasing for one morning if you will, for I am in no mood for it.”

  Isabel reached tentatively towards his arm before remembering herself. She tucked her hand in her gown and dropped her gaze.

  “Your temperament is that of an old man’s too,” Dominic said with a laugh.

  Jake stood abruptly, causing the tableware to clatter. He gave Isabel a brief bow, ignoring his brother. “Forgive me, my lady, I find I am no longer hungry. Good day.”

  They both stared at this back as he left, barging past a servant and slamming open the doors.

  Dominic frowned. “I know my brother is loath to smile, but his mood has been worse than ever these past days. You know him well enough, what think you is the cause of his anger?”

  Isabel chewed her lip. “I know not.”

  “Do you not?” He stared at her for a moment, studying her with an odd smile and Isabel’s heart constricted.

  “Nay,” she murmured. God, how she hated herself for lying to him.

  “Ah, well he’ll calm down soon enough.” He took a gulp of ale and thrust it down on the table before reaching for her hand. “You are quiet, Izzy.”

  Forcing a bright smile, she squeezed his hand. “Aye, well it’s been an eventful few days. Tell me, have you finished negotiations with my father?”

  “Aye, nearly. I am but one signature away from an agreement. He is a hard negotiator. I do not envy you your father, ‘tis a miracle you are naught like him.”

  “Aye, a miracle…” she agreed softly.

  Her gut twisted. She had behaved selfishly, acted with greed, wanting Jake’s love without being honest with him. Mayhap she was more like him than she thought.

  ~* * *~

  Swinging the wooden sword, Jake brought it down with unrestrained strength, his muscles and sinew bulging beneath his sweat soaked shirt. Fire kindled beneath his skin.

  Dominic ducked to one side, bringing up his shield and absorbing the blow with a heavy thud. He lunged forward but Jake parried the thrust with a heavy swipe, propelling Dominic back.